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    SJ-409 Efficient penetrant

    Detailed information

    SJ-409 high-efficiency penetrant


    This product is a penetrant specially made by our factory for hydrophilic finishing of warp knitted fabrics. It has superior penetrating effect, and has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, acid resistance, alkali resistance and hard water resistance. Hydrophilic finishing of warp knitted fabrics is a special advanced product.


    Main Specifications:

    1: Composition: Special surface active agent compound

    2: Appearance: slightly yellow to colorless transparent liquid

    3: PH value: 6-7

    4: Ionic: yin is nonionic


    Performance and application:

    品 This product is resistant to high temperature, acid, alkali and hard water. It has strong penetrating effect, as well as wetting and emulsifying effects.

    品 This product is mainly used for polyester, cotton, sunny and other fabrics, especially for hydrophilic finishing of warp knitted fabrics. Recommended dosage 0.5-1%



    Plastic drum packaging: 50-125kg

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